Welcome to our Soil-Root Connection

Our journey started with a simple mission - to grow food that nourishes both body and soul. Through holistic and biodynamic methods, we cultivate the land with care, free from synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Connecting soil to plate, we provide you with nutritious, clean food straight from our farm. Join us in this sustainable and flavorful adventure!

Every bite you take is a step towards regeneration. Let us redefine your relationship with food, one harvest at a time.

Natalie McGill and Stewart Lundy founded Perennial Roots Farm in 2010 as both a business and a home on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. We began as a homestead, concerned foremost with reducing waste and providing enough food for our own needs. Over the next few years a garden grew up into a farm. We share a passion for animals, ecology, alternative farming methods and homesteading. Most days on the farm Natalie can be found working in the vegetable garden, checking in on the animals, or tending trees. Stewart’s enthusiasm centers around managing the pasture and soil fertility, composting and forever researching new farm methods. Natalie likes to think about this year’s yields. Stewart likes to think about next year’s yields. Together, they make a pretty good team.

Our goals and practices are a synthesis of biodynamic rhythms and principles of permanent agriculture. We are committed not only to nominal “sustainable” practices, but to regenerative practices that increase fertility with every season. We use intensive multi-species rotational grazing which keeps our animals healthier and nurtures our soil. We use cover crops to enliven the soil, build carbon, and provide habitat for beneficial insects. We compost as much as we can. Even the weeds are all an integral part of this process of healing the Earth.

Let's Begin Our Journey