Our CSA Veggie Subscription is Back!
What is a CSA? This is probably one of the most common questions I receive right around this time of year, when we are launching our shares. Simply put, a CSA share stands for Community Supported Agriculture. During the winter months, you invest in your local farm by purchasing a CSA subscription and then come spring, depending on what you signed up for, each week you'll receive a “share” or box of the freshest vegetables from your local farmers. At its heart, a CSA is a collaboration between the farmer and the community who purchases a share with you, the consumer, helping to change the food system, one vegetable at a time. When you join a CSA you are supporting your local community and your local farmer but you're also making a commitment to eat seasonally, rooting yourself to a particular time and place, to that very soul of the soil that your food is grown in.
When you join a CSA you are supporting your local community and your local farmer but you're also making a commitment to eat seasonally, rooting yourself to a particular time and place, to that very soul of the soil that your food is grown in.
We do something a bit unusual here on our farm: animals and vegetables are integrated forming the beating heart of our operation. In the process, soil life thrives, animals exist not simply for food for us, but food for the field and garden. The vegetables flourish on the rich soil and microbial life. And each year, the process just keeps getting more magical. On an integrated animal and vegetable farm, harmony in chaos exists in full view for anyone who cares to observe and soak it up. Here on our farm small miracles transcend the every day.
A CSA is for you if:
You are vegetarian or vegan and/or you love eating lots of vegetables.
You love to cook and experiment with new flavors and maybe a few vegetables you haven't heard of before.
You care about the earth, soil, climate change and what goes into your body.
The flavors, nutrients, color, variety and freshness from a CSA is mind-blowing. Grown from seed right here on our farm, these vegetables are very different from the jet-lagged food you get at the grocery store, including the ones labeled "organic" or "all natural." Food harvested the day or day before you receive it is the freshest, most nutrient-dense food you can buy, and you will taste and feel the difference.
When you sign up for our CSA, you aren't simply feeding yourself with locally grown vegetables for twenty weeks, but you're supporting our farm, animals and becoming a part of our community. When you eat vegetables grown here from the land you live, not trekked across hundreds or thousands of miles, you connect just a bit more to this spot of earth that you reside on. You become a part of the terroir.
I only grow what I love to eat, so each vegetable that you receive in your CSA or at the market, contains a bit of me, farmer Natalie, and my love of food and passion for fresh ingredients.
Some of my favorite vegetables that I grow for you include bok choi, fennel, leeks, tomatoes, spinach and lettuce but here's a little outline of just some of the different vegetables you can expect when you join our CSA.
Springtime Veggies
Spring Onions
Sugar Snap Peas
Snow Peas
Head Lettuce
Salad Mix
Hakurei Salad Turnips
Bok Choi
Dandelion Greens
Assorted Asian Greens
Garlic Scapes
Fava Beans
Summer Veggies
Napa Cabbage
Rainbow Beets
Green Beans
Italian Red Tropea Onions
Summer Squash
Cherry Tomatoes
Heirloom Tomatoes
Sweet Peppers
Chile Peppers
Salad Mix
Look for lots of greens, radishes, peas and spring onions when the CSA first begins, as we transition closer to summer you'll receive fennel, cabbage, broccoli and beets. Then finally the height of summer arrives highlighting cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers and basil.
Starting at the beginning of April and continuing into September we're offering twenty weeks of fresh vegetables for our spring and summer CSA. Each week features a bounty grown by farmers you know. By choosing a CSA not only are you guaranteed safe, nourishing vegetables, but you are supporting your community and local economy. Eating foods grown right where you live is a joy and with it comes the special gift of connecting you to a sense of place within your community.
Experience the DELICIOUS magic of our natural farming methods
Discover Nutrient-Rich Delights
Welcome to our Farm
Indulge in the beauty of nature, where every seed is sown with love and care.
Watch as the earth comes alive under our touch, thriving with renewed vitality.
Experience the joy of bountiful harvests, filled with the essence of our sustainable practices.