2024 Fall Biodynamic Workshop (meals included)

from $150.00

Join us from Friday evening to midday Sunday, October 18, 19, and 20, for food, fellowship, and inspiration!

Tickets are sold on a sliding scale. Pay what you can afford. The more you contribute, the easier it is for us to accommodate people who can less afford even the lowest price. Your generosity goes directly to supporting this event, sponsoring other attendees, and spreading biodynamics throughout the world. Thank you for your generous support!

Transparency and real costs to the farm - Preparing for this workshop takes 200+ labor hours in terms of logistics, food preparation, and more. This doesn't account for the workshop time itself or clean up after, nor does it account for the time taken away from other productive farm work. This includes the value of produce and meat from the farm, labor preparing meals and snacks, costs of catering, and all the hard work of those making sure this happens. If we were unpaid for any of our time and effort, the direct financial costs to the farm are about $20 per meal (x6) plus snacks and coffee ($30) is about $150 per person -- assuming staff go completely uncompensated. For our effort, we recuperate less than minimum wage after expenses. The purpose of this event is not to make money. In fact, we will be making most of the preparations that Josephine Porter Institute (JPI), a 501c3, will be selling for JPI's benefit. We are not making these preparations for ourselves. This is an effort to support the non-profit work of JPI and the broader biodynamic world. As such, we ask attendees to pay what they can afford, because this helps others (and helps the farm) be able to offer this abundance to many more people.

Liability waiver by signing up, you agree to sign a liability waiver when you arrive to the farm. Standard procedure for farm tours and farm visits.


Meals are included. Vegetables and grass-fed meat are grown organically and biodynamically, predominantly at Perennial Roots Farm. Catered meals cooked from ingredients supplied on the farm. Vegetarian options available.

Work-comp available. Work-comp participants are expected to arrive a day early and/or stay a day (or more) late to help finish stuffing horns and burying them. Those who stay one or more days extra will receive a 50% refund on their ticket. This discount is offered only as a refund after work is performed. Thank you for understanding.

Camping is available on-site at Perennial Roots Farm.

Lodging can be found nearby. There are many options within 10-30mins of the farm, as well as many AirBNB and Vrbo options. We've listed a few local options for your consideration:

The Charlotte Hotel

Hampton Inn & Suites

Onley Inn

Wachapreague Inn

Inn at Onancock

Assateague Island National Seashore is within 30mins of the farm, famous for its wild ponies, hiking, and beaches.

Bring a good water bottle - STAY HYDRATED!
Bring good outdoor shoes or boots - THERE'S DIRT AND POOP ON FARMS
Bring a good hat - SUN TENDS TO BE BRIGHT
Bring rain gear - YOU NEVER KNOW


The mission of biodynamics has always been one of fostering health for the purpose of universal human freedom.

The goal of the “farm organism” is
so that every farm might source from within its own boundaries, all its own fertility needs that stream in from the cosmos.

One of the
most transformative effects of the biodynamic preparations is not just on the soil, but on the imaginations of those who practice making the preparations. New possibilities open up when you practice creating with your own hands the fruits of a remarkable intuition.

Join us at Perennial Roots Farm at 23345 Decormis Street, Accomac, Virginia 23301 for a hands-on practical experience learning some of the subtle aspects of making biodynamic preparations.

There are work trade options available. Folks who are able to help for an extra day before and/or after will receive a 50% refund on their ticket purchase.

Ticket prices cover food costs and relevant overhead costs.



Thursday October 17th (Pre-conference Workday)

  • Work-comp participants are expected to show up a day early and/or stay a day later. This is of enormous help to our work. Thank you!

Work-comp show up anytime in the afternoon

Work-comp dinner provided.


Friday October 18th 

4:00-5:00 Arrival

  • Camping setup, meet & greet

5:00-6:00 Opening Ceremonies

  • Blessing the burial site (Fr. Mike Imperial)

6:00-6:30 Break

6:30-8:00 Dinner

8:00-9:00 Campfire chats


Saturday, October 19th 

9:00 - 9:30 Coffee and Light Breakfast

9:30 - 10:30 Farm tour

  • Natalie McGill and Stewart Lundy will be introducing the farm to everyone

10:30 - 12:00  Horn Manure (hands-on & presentation)

  • Stewart Lundy presents how we will be making horn manure and gives insight into its context as the foundational biodynamic preparation.

  • All participants will help stuff horns.

12:00 - 1:30  Lunch 

1:30-2:00 Break

2:00-3:30 The Place of Biodynamics in the Evolution of Human Consciousness

  • Michael Judge presents a macrocosmic view of human history and the special place biodynamics plays in it.

4:00 - 5:30  Barrel Compound (hands-on & presentation)

  • Patrick Dodson demonstrates how to dig a new pit, line it with bricks, and stir and mix Maria Thun's Barrel Compound (BC) recipe.

5:30-6:00 Break

6:00 - 7:30  Dinner

7:30 - 8:00  Clean up 

  • Work-comp participants are expected to help clean up as part of their work-trade. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to help. Many hands make light work!

8:00 - 9:00  Campfire Chats

  • Check-in with the group, answer questions, and listen to everyone’s thoughts on the work we’ve done so far. 


Sunday, October 20th

9:00 - 9:30 Coffee and Light Breakfast

9:30 - 12:00 Horn Manure

  • Filling and burying horns with open discussions

12:00-1:30 - Lunch

1:30 - Farewells and Cleanup

  • Work-comp participants are expected to help clean up as part of their work-trade. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to help. Many hands make light work!


Monday, October 21st

  • Work-comp participants are expected to show up a day early and/or stay a day later. This is of enormous help to our work. Thank you!






sliding scale:
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Join us from Friday evening to midday Sunday, October 18, 19, and 20, for food, fellowship, and inspiration!

Tickets are sold on a sliding scale. Pay what you can afford. The more you contribute, the easier it is for us to accommodate people who can less afford even the lowest price. Your generosity goes directly to supporting this event, sponsoring other attendees, and spreading biodynamics throughout the world. Thank you for your generous support!

Transparency and real costs to the farm - Preparing for this workshop takes 200+ labor hours in terms of logistics, food preparation, and more. This doesn't account for the workshop time itself or clean up after, nor does it account for the time taken away from other productive farm work. This includes the value of produce and meat from the farm, labor preparing meals and snacks, costs of catering, and all the hard work of those making sure this happens. If we were unpaid for any of our time and effort, the direct financial costs to the farm are about $20 per meal (x6) plus snacks and coffee ($30) is about $150 per person -- assuming staff go completely uncompensated. For our effort, we recuperate less than minimum wage after expenses. The purpose of this event is not to make money. In fact, we will be making most of the preparations that Josephine Porter Institute (JPI), a 501c3, will be selling for JPI's benefit. We are not making these preparations for ourselves. This is an effort to support the non-profit work of JPI and the broader biodynamic world. As such, we ask attendees to pay what they can afford, because this helps others (and helps the farm) be able to offer this abundance to many more people.

Liability waiver by signing up, you agree to sign a liability waiver when you arrive to the farm. Standard procedure for farm tours and farm visits.


Meals are included. Vegetables and grass-fed meat are grown organically and biodynamically, predominantly at Perennial Roots Farm. Catered meals cooked from ingredients supplied on the farm. Vegetarian options available.

Work-comp available. Work-comp participants are expected to arrive a day early and/or stay a day (or more) late to help finish stuffing horns and burying them. Those who stay one or more days extra will receive a 50% refund on their ticket. This discount is offered only as a refund after work is performed. Thank you for understanding.

Camping is available on-site at Perennial Roots Farm.

Lodging can be found nearby. There are many options within 10-30mins of the farm, as well as many AirBNB and Vrbo options. We've listed a few local options for your consideration:

The Charlotte Hotel

Hampton Inn & Suites

Onley Inn

Wachapreague Inn

Inn at Onancock

Assateague Island National Seashore is within 30mins of the farm, famous for its wild ponies, hiking, and beaches.

Bring a good water bottle - STAY HYDRATED!
Bring good outdoor shoes or boots - THERE'S DIRT AND POOP ON FARMS
Bring a good hat - SUN TENDS TO BE BRIGHT
Bring rain gear - YOU NEVER KNOW


The mission of biodynamics has always been one of fostering health for the purpose of universal human freedom.

The goal of the “farm organism” is
so that every farm might source from within its own boundaries, all its own fertility needs that stream in from the cosmos.

One of the
most transformative effects of the biodynamic preparations is not just on the soil, but on the imaginations of those who practice making the preparations. New possibilities open up when you practice creating with your own hands the fruits of a remarkable intuition.

Join us at Perennial Roots Farm at 23345 Decormis Street, Accomac, Virginia 23301 for a hands-on practical experience learning some of the subtle aspects of making biodynamic preparations.

There are work trade options available. Folks who are able to help for an extra day before and/or after will receive a 50% refund on their ticket purchase.

Ticket prices cover food costs and relevant overhead costs.



Thursday October 17th (Pre-conference Workday)

  • Work-comp participants are expected to show up a day early and/or stay a day later. This is of enormous help to our work. Thank you!

Work-comp show up anytime in the afternoon

Work-comp dinner provided.


Friday October 18th 

4:00-5:00 Arrival

  • Camping setup, meet & greet

5:00-6:00 Opening Ceremonies

  • Blessing the burial site (Fr. Mike Imperial)

6:00-6:30 Break

6:30-8:00 Dinner

8:00-9:00 Campfire chats


Saturday, October 19th 

9:00 - 9:30 Coffee and Light Breakfast

9:30 - 10:30 Farm tour

  • Natalie McGill and Stewart Lundy will be introducing the farm to everyone

10:30 - 12:00  Horn Manure (hands-on & presentation)

  • Stewart Lundy presents how we will be making horn manure and gives insight into its context as the foundational biodynamic preparation.

  • All participants will help stuff horns.

12:00 - 1:30  Lunch 

1:30-2:00 Break

2:00-3:30 The Place of Biodynamics in the Evolution of Human Consciousness

  • Michael Judge presents a macrocosmic view of human history and the special place biodynamics plays in it.

4:00 - 5:30  Barrel Compound (hands-on & presentation)

  • Patrick Dodson demonstrates how to dig a new pit, line it with bricks, and stir and mix Maria Thun's Barrel Compound (BC) recipe.

5:30-6:00 Break

6:00 - 7:30  Dinner

7:30 - 8:00  Clean up 

  • Work-comp participants are expected to help clean up as part of their work-trade. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to help. Many hands make light work!

8:00 - 9:00  Campfire Chats

  • Check-in with the group, answer questions, and listen to everyone’s thoughts on the work we’ve done so far. 


Sunday, October 20th

9:00 - 9:30 Coffee and Light Breakfast

9:30 - 12:00 Horn Manure

  • Filling and burying horns with open discussions

12:00-1:30 - Lunch

1:30 - Farewells and Cleanup

  • Work-comp participants are expected to help clean up as part of their work-trade. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to help. Many hands make light work!


Monday, October 21st

  • Work-comp participants are expected to show up a day early and/or stay a day later. This is of enormous help to our work. Thank you!

